Using CARES For Your Warehouse Design

Why should the Storage Solutions C-A-R-E-S warehouse design optimization process matter to your company? Everyone experiences challenges & changes within their operation. With the Storage Solutions C-A-R-E-S process, we follow a systemic approach to uncover any issues you may have. These guidelines allow us to address specific opportunities for improvement, pain points, growth objectives & more. We have tailored this process to be fully customizable to fit your budget, needs, and time frame.

For example, we can address issues you may have when it comes to order fulfillment. The cause could stem from picking challenges or e-commerce and omnichannel fulfillment demands. For this reason, it is imperative to design a solution that works best for you and is dynamic enough to adapt at the drop of a hat to meet external expectations.

Likewise, internal issues such as SKU proliferation or facility consolidation may be items that need to be addressed. Our C-A-R-E-S process can analyze these issues to provide you with the most efficient answer to your current problems. Similarly, we provide you with the most flexible solution to ensure you are ready for any changes down the pipeline.

In conclusion, by using our data-driven C-A-R-E-S process, we can help you create a solution that can be justified not just operationally but also economically. By developing your distribution to optimal efficiency, we can address your current and future goals. Our team of material handling professionals and our in-house design team make the perfect tandem to prepare you quickly for market changes and increased customer demands.

Now that you know why an optimized warehouse design is essential, you can learn more about our C-A-R-E-S process here!