MHEDA 2018 MHEDA Convention - "What's Your Vision?"

2018 MHEDA Convention – “What’s Your Vision?”

With a rapidly changing industry, Storage Solutions wants to make sure that we are always up-to-date with the latest trends and business opportunities ahead of us. Our Vice President of Operations, Nathan Storey, saw an opportunity that would help Storage Solutions meet and exceed this goal, which led him to attend the 63rd Annual MHEDA Convention.

More than 600 distributors and manufacturers came together in sunny Miami, Florida for a four-day event earlier this month that consisted of networking, education, and inspiration. Every year there is a theme devoted to the convention. This year’s theme was “What’s Your Vision?” – challenging attendees to prepare for a future in an industry and business climate that is constantly changing.

This year, the convention was extra special for Storage Solutions, as Nathan attended as a Convention Host. This allowed him to better understand the event’s behind-the-scenes process in the hopes of becoming a future board member. In the meantime, Nathan will be participating in more conferences and meetings held by MHEDA, while also gaining an understanding of MHEDA’s programs, services, and benefits.

What does it mean to be on the MHEDA Board of Directors?

If Nathan is selected, he would be among 16 other Board Members. During their term, directors participate in the planning and execution of committee goals and initiatives. They are committed to the continuous improvement of the association. Every year, the Board of Directors are responsible for developing Material Handling Business Trends (MHBTs), which serve as the foundation for the organization’s annual programming and services. These Material Handling Business Trends include topics such as the economy, customer behavior, technology and much more. Not only do these MHBTs play a large role in a company’s yearly planning, but they also help shape MHEDA’s educational events and The MHEDA Journal.

“I am interested in serving on the MHEDA board because it is the premier trade association for the material handling industry. If selected as a board member, I would continue to create an engaging environment where our industry can gather to discuss new ideas, brainstorm material handling business trends, and build/expand relationships within the distributor and manufacturer network.” – Nathan Storey, Vice President of Operations