What is On-Demand Automation?

On-Demand Automation Intro Blog

On-Demand Automation may be a foreign term to warehouse managers who look at the prospect of introducing automation as an insurmountable hurdle in their warehouse operations. Those decision-makers are hesitant to learn about implementation because they see the idea as too costly, too distracting, and too steep of a learning curve.

“It will take too many resources. I will never get a return on my investment. I’ll have to reconfigure my entire operation.”

These are all misconceptions, especially by introducing on-demand automation.

In short, on-demand automation allows warehouses to introduce technology into any facility, as is, at any scale, without installing IT systems, and with the flexibility to change at any time. Fetch Robotics, a pioneer of on-demand automation offers software that works with a line of autonomous mobile robots that increases productivity with a return on investment in under two years for most applications.

On-demand automation is the perfect way to introduce automation into your operation, earning ROI while providing evidence for buy-in from stakeholders for further investment into automation.

Why Introduce On-Demand Automation?

  • Deploy AMRs in hours: In the past, automation brought long lead times, engineering, and installation requirements. With on-demand automation, we can create virtual conveyors or transport maps in just hours using cloud-based software.
  • No facility reconfiguration: Most automation solutions require changes to your facility, including floor space, layout, and storage mediums, to work with the system. However, on-demand automation solutions work with your existing floorplan and can independently navigate without modifying anything.
  • No additional IT systems: Because on-demand solutions use cloud-based software like FetchCore, they can work with or without Warehouse Management systems. That flexibility means AMRs are ready to go no matter your operating system.
  • Scalability: Once you go with on-demand automation, you can add to your robot fleet without adding infrastructure. So, you can continue to easily add AMRs as needed without investing in costly automation systems.
  • Flexibility: Consumer demand is changing rapidly, so warehouse managers need to be adaptable. On-demand solutions are not limited to a single-function workflow. Modifications can be made on the cloud-based platform and pushed to the robot in just a few clicks.
  • Data, data, data: On-demand automation software collects data from robots, equipment, systems, and devices across all facility operations, giving you actionable insights into how your warehouse operates.

If you are interested in automation but just not sure how to get started, we will help. Our Solutions Development team is prepared to answer any questions or misconceptions you may have about introducing automation into your operations. It may not be as difficult or costly as you think, with a return on investment quicker than you may realize.