National Truck Driver Appreciation Week

Truck Driver Appreciation Week

Truck drivers play a key role in the logistics side of our business. Without them, we would have no way to get shipments from Point A to Point B. Because of this, we were more than ecstatic to celebrate National Truck Driver Appreciation Week from September 9th through the 15th.

Logistics is an integral part of the material handling industry, nobody knows that better than our Logistics Manager, Brenda Dudley.

“For material handling and specifically what we do at Storage Solutions, service needs are indicative of “just in time” performance. With build schedules, crews on site and customer timelines, we can’t deliver too early or too late but within a window delivery plan. We depend and rely on the abilities of the drivers to honor our own commitments to our customers. Let’s not forget that drivers on-site at a customer’s facility are an extension of who and what we are as a company. They represent us while handling our shipments and can make or break customer relationships. It’s easy to overlook the hard work and effort most drivers put forth and we tend to think that they need business to keep the wheels turning, when in fact, we need them just as much.”

We send and receive around fifteen shipments every day, going to and coming from all over the continental United States. These drivers put in long, grueling hours every day to ensure shipments arrive on time. That often means time away from family and friends, along with the comfort of home.

This is why we dedicate this week to them. So if you see any truck drivers, be sure to thank them for their hard work! It certainly doesn’t go unnoticed here at Storage Solutions.

Want to learn more about our logistic capabilities? Visit our warehouse services page to inquire about all of our logistics services.