Sell Used Warehouse Equipment Near Me – Get a Quote Today!

Here at Storage Solutions, our goal is to assist our clients with any type of warehouse transition. We understand that selling or moving your current material handling equipment such as pallet rack, shelving, mezzanine, conveyor, etc, can provide a large headache. We would like to help you resolve that issue.

used-pallet-rackAre you closing down or consolidating one or more of your facilities?  Let us buy your used pallet rack and other material handling equipment.  Are you opening a new facility, or changing locations?  We will help you transition to a new warehouse or redesign your current one.  We can help you save money on your warehouse redesign, and we also remove the hassle of having to teardown and move all of your equipment!

Are you having trouble deciding what kind of storage equipment is best for your needs?  Contact us today to get our free recommendation for your new operation!

Here is a brief list of equipment we would be interested in purchasing:

Pallet Rack:  selective pallet rack, drive-in pallet rack, drive-thru pallet rack, pushback pallet rack, cantilever rack, wire decks, etc.

Shelving:  open steel shelving, closed steel shelving, single rivet shelving, double rivet shelving, wire shelving, etc.

Conveyor:  gravity conveyor, power conveyor, skatewheel conveyor, roller conveyor, etc.

Pallet Rack Accessories / Safety Equipment:  row spacers, pallet supports, wire decking, column protectors, end-of-aisle protectors, column deflectors, guardrail, etc.

Pick Modules, Mezzanine, & Tape Machines