Just like that, June is over and another three day weekend has arrived! Here at Storage Solutions we’d like to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day. Whether you are spending the weekend watching the parades and fireworks, grilling out with family, or swimming with friends, please take a moment and remember what this weekend is about.
It was 240 years ago that the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence. From that point, the 13 colonies that made up most of the East Coast would move forward to what we now know as the United States. In the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt, “In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved.” Thank you to the soldiers and veterans who fought and continue to fight to achieve that same freedom for our great country still today.
In honor of Independence Day, Storage Solutions will be closed Monday, July 4th and will reopen on Tuesday, July 5th. We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday weekend!