Closing or Consolidating Your Warehouse?

conveyorFor a variety of reasons including foreclosure, mergers, acquisitions, or downsizing, companies may decide (or are forced) to consolidate and/or close some of their facilities in an effort to minimize expenses.  This process can be much more difficult than some might expect and can be the cause of some very large headaches if not handled appropriately.

However, Storage Solutions offers a number of services that will make your transition simple and easy.

  • In addition to selling new material handling equipment, we also purchase used material handling equipment.  This provides an easy option for any company that has been forced to close one or more facilities and liquidate its assets.
  • We also offer trade-in value for your used equipment, if you are looking to alter or modify the equipment in your current storage facility.
  • We have our own team of professional installers, which allows us to help make your transition into your new facility as seamless as possible.  Many companies hire third-party contractors to perform their installation and demolition services.  Our crews are specifically focused on installing and tearing down pallet rack and racking components.  This enables us to get the job done in a quick and efficient manner while maintaining an exceptional level of quality in our work.

Are you interested in learning more? Visit our “Relocation Solutions” page to learn how our warehouse experts will take care of your old facility and equipment so you can focus on everything else.