Starting 2024 with a Strong Position: In 2023, Storage Solutions experienced our seventh consecutive year of record growth, exponentially building upon our success in 2022. We added 36+ new team members in many different areas of our business and became a part of the global Jungheinrich family, all in an effort to help our clients integrate into the warehouse of the future.
Those new assets allow our teams to design better automated systems, install more square footage of racking, and enlarge our footprint in North America to better serve our customers. One of our major highlights was booking thirty+ conveyor and automation projects. As we look forward to 2024, we know we’ll continue this growth and build upon a strong foundation of our “simple, smart, strategic” approach to solving our clients’ challenges.
Whether you are currently working with us or we haven’t connected in some time, we encourage you to contact one of our experts today so we can learn about the challenges you face in your storage and fulfillment operations. Our team would love to help you address those challenges in 2024 with a roadmap for future growth.