Broken case picking is becoming more prevalent in almost all industries, creating operational challenges for many companies. When assisting with the design of your broken case picking solution, we ensure that we create the most efficient and cost-effective solution for your facility.
Our solutions development team will utilize our vast experience to help you optimize your operation and find the right equipment, automation or technology solutions to provide you with the lowest total cost per unit throughput solution.
Broken Case Picking Design Criteria
When going through a new facility design, or an existing facility optimization, we have a set of criteria that we utilize to determine the right solution to meet your specific needs.
Our team will gain a thorough understanding of the operational challenges that you are currently experiencing, such as labor, competition, market challenges and more. We then look at the overall volume levels that you are seeing in daily activity; such as the number of orders, the number of line items, and the number of units picked, packed and shipped on a typical day.
After understanding the volume of your operation, we also take a look at the order profiles. We look at the number of line items on a typical order, and the number of units per line item. The order profiles help us to determine the most efficient picking methodologies to apply to your operational solution. We break down your demand to the SKU level to identify ideal storage mediums and utilize ABC stratification to create a plan that will maximize pick efficiency.
Maximizing space utilization and operational efficiency are of paramount importance. That’s why we want to partner with you to ensure your facility is running as profitably as possible.
Let us be the ones to enhance your broken case picking operation!